PSY 201- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 47 pages long!)

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Evolution: charles darwin (1859, origins of species ) : living things have inherited their present shape, structure, behavior, etc through a long history involving natural selection, natural selection: characteristics useful for survival are passed on (through reproduction) Introspectionism (wundt): the study of conscious mental events by introspection or. Looking within (observing and recording one"s own thoughts and experiences: structuralism (titchener) and others: used introspection to break apart and examine the individual components of conscious experience. An experiment: attempts to identify a cause-effect relationship between 2 variables by manipulating one variable and observing the effect on the other. Steps in an experiment: formulation of the question/theory, formulation of the specific hypothesis, design a study, define variables: some state or dimension that can have different values, which can be measured. Types of studies: research designs include experiment, correlation and description, experiment, 2+ variables, manipulate one (independent) and measure the other (dependent, try to show causation, correlation.