PSY 201 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Wilhelm Wundt, Empiricism, Mental Substance

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Chapter 4 consciousness (split brain pp. 142-143 & effects of drugs pp. 160-169) neural. Plasticity pdf on the movie brain transplant . Terms/concepts/names which you should know (organized by topic): Chapter 1 - introduction and history of psychology. Conscious thought is an epiphenomenon--i. e. , a product of the brain"s machinery; it does not cause things to happen. There are 2 kinds of substance, mental substance (the soul) and physical substance (the body). Nurture : (british empiricism)--human knowledge/ thought comes from physical are born with knowledge. (innateness, genetics, biology) experience. (learning, culture, experience, environment. Localization of function physiology (e. g. , broca) : Idea that specific parts of the brain serve specific functions in the control of experience and behavior. (e. g. , broca) Evolution charles darwin natural selection : Living things have inherited their present shape, structure, behavior, etc. through a long history involving natural selection. Interested in the functions of behavior how behavior functions to help an animal to survive.