PSY 230- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 51 pages long!)

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Ability to try and influence how other people see us: define self-control. How you evaluate self-worth, and keep it up: define self-knowledge. Compare self to those starting out better than you. Compare self to those starting out lesser than you. Compare self to someone starting at the same level. Low empathy, violent tendencies, being disliked by others. Psy 230 chapter four study guide: answers: define social cognition. How we use social information to make judgements: define social perception. The same feature can appear in multiple expressions. Inferring that personal factors are the cause of an event or behavior: define external attribution. A measured variable that predicts the dependent variable: define dependent variable. Whether or not the internal reaction is the same in the experiment as it is in the real world: define alpha levels. Cultures are different which can be used as context, but ultimately humans are humans: define evolutionary psychology.