PSY 212 Study Guide - Final Guide: Dementia Praecox, Psychomotor Retardation, Dissociative Identity Disorder

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Exam 4: Study Guide
Ch 14/15: Schizophrenia and other Psychotic Disorders
Psychotic Disorders
What are psychotic disorders?
Characterized by unusual thinking, distorted perceptions, and odd
Psychosis: a severe mental condition characterized by a loss of
contact with reality
Delusion: a false belief eg. Believing you’re the queen
Common themes of a delusion:
Erotomanic: Another individual, usually of higher
status, is in love with the person (sometimes found
among “celebrity stalkers”)
Grandiose: The person has feelings of inflated worth,
power, knowledge, identity or special relationships to
a deity or famous person
Jealous: The person’s sexual partner is unfaithful
Persecutory: The person (or someone close to them)
is being mistreated
Somatic: The person has a medical condition or
physical defect for which no medical cause can be
A false sensory perception
Hearing or seeing something that isn’t there
What is schizophrenia?
Severe psychological disorder characterized by disorganization in
thought, perception, and behavior
First defined over 100 years ago by German psychiatrist Emil
Dementia praecox
Dementia (pervasive disturbances of perceptual and
cognitive faculties)
Praecox (early life onset)
Schizophrenia versus DID (dissociative identity disorder)
Schizophrenics do not have multiple personalities
Symptoms categories
Positive symptoms
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Most common
Individual believes someone is attempting to
harm them
Attach personal and special meanings with
Watching the TV and believing the news
reporter is sending only them a secret
Believing you are of special importance eg.
Belief that others control your behaviours or
Believe that they can control things eg.
Objects, thoughts, behaviours
Disorganized thinking and speech
Loose associations
Thoughts do not connect
Made up words
Coining or use of new words
Repeating the same thing over and over again
clang associations
speech follows a pattern eg. Rhyme, or eg.
Words that begin with sh
Heightened perception and hallucinations
Hear voices that other people can’t hear
Feeling something that isn’t thereà neurological
feeling something that isn’t there
bodily symptoms eg. Stomach is rotting out
seeing something that isn’t there
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tasting something that isn’t there
smelling something that isn’t there
Inappropriate affect
Emotional expressions not harmonious with situation
Eg. A woman smiles and appears unperturbed as she
describes how she was abducted
Negative symptoms
Inability to speak because of mental defect, confusion
or aphasia
Decrease in quality or quantity of speech
Flat affect: don’t show any emotion when speaking,
monotone, emotionless
Severe reduction in emotional expressiveness
Anhedonia: not being able to feel any happiness or joy from
the things around you
Lack of motivation
Refuse to change
Social withdrawal
Psychomotor Symptoms of Schizophrenia
Psychomotor retardation
Ability to respond decrease à not as proficient
Awkward movements or gestures
Catatonic stupor (remain motionless), rigidity (rigid
posture while not moving), posturing (bizarre posture
but not moving), and excitement (moving but in an
excited, excessive way, but still not responsive)
Thought blocking
Just stop speaking, ie. Mid conversation
Catatonia and waxy flexibility
is a psychomotor symptom of catatonia as associated
with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or other mental
disorders which leads to a decreased response to
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Document Summary

Characterized by unusual thinking, distorted perceptions, and odd behaviors. Psychosis: a severe mental condition characterized by a loss of contact with reality. Delusion: a false belief eg. believing you"re the queen. Erotomanic: another individual, usually of higher status, is in love with the person (sometimes found among celebrity stalkers ) Grandiose: the person has feelings of inflated worth, power, knowledge, identity or special relationships to a deity or famous person. Jealous: the person"s sexual partner is unfaithful. Persecutory: the person (or someone close to them) is being mistreated. Somatic: the person has a medical condition or physical defect for which no medical cause can be found. Hearing or seeing something that isn"t there. Severe psychological disorder characterized by disorganization in thought, perception, and behavior. First defined over 100 years ago by german psychiatrist emil. Dementia (pervasive disturbances of perceptual and cognitive faculties) Individual believes someone is attempting to harm them.