PSY 212 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Novelty Seeking, Stimulant, Diazepam

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10 Apr 2018

Document Summary

Physical or psychological signs or symptoms of illness are intentionally produced. Could be motivated by desire to assume sick role or malingering. Occurs as an individual imposes deceptive practices designed to produce signs of illness on self. Occurs as an individual produces physical symptoms on another. Common in medical professionals, individuals who carry grudge against medical professional, or have had extensive treatment for medical problem as a child. May actually develop real medical illnesses due to self- administered injuries, numerous surgical operations, or self- injections. 6-22% of children die from medical illnesses inflicted on them. Conditions in which physical symptoms or concerns about an illness cannot be explained by a medical or other psychological disorder. Pseudoneurological complaints, such as motor or sensory dysfunction. Do not consciously want to purposely produce symptoms. Unlike factitious disorder imposed on self or other. 10-15% found to have an actual diagnosable medical condition. Symptoms are often different from known diseases.