IT 1080C Study Guide - Final Guide: Internetworking, Sliding Window Protocol, Intranet

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Chapter 20: internetworking, concepts, architecture and protocols. 3,4,5 are virtual, 1 and 2 is physical. Ii: physical world makes up internet, each networks technology is designed to fit a specific set of constraints, no single networking technology is best for all needs. Internetworking: different companies make different hardware, need to make something take the same language, computer does not care how network set up, care the packet. Physical network connection with routers: want to get outside network, if not use connector, need ip address for each connecting. Intranets and internet: intranet is inside an organization, internet between organization, for example. At university of cincinnati, each department use intranet to connect with each other. The virtual network: how achieve what lay on top to make them look familiar with computer, internet hire details of, physical network connections, physical address. Protocols for internetworking: need addressing, with mac address with ip address, networking professional simply refer to the suite as tcp/ip.