HLSC 3032C Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Hypertrophy, Hyperplasia, Troponin I

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19 Dec 2018

Document Summary

Iia-these two will shift between the two depending on the training you do to it. If you do not have stimulus, the i fibers will stay the same, and iis will be lost. Integration-take into account metabolism, endocrine, muscle, cv: endocrine-40, muscle-50, neural-10, no adaptions, structure-memorize, definitions, watch graphs, fast vs slow, glycogen-->2nd messenger ,epi, henneman"s size principle. Isoforms: globular head, whole thing is a heavy chain, atpase activity, type i, iia, iix/b, fibers are mixed, buller study- alpha 1 cut off of fast and put on slow =new fast fiber. 2nd messengers: receptor on cell membrane, epi attaches, cascade, the hormone did not directly breakdown the glycogen, ca+ is 2nd messenger also, dominate in contractile process, hormones. Insulin: gh, epi-fast, glucagon-very fast, adh, aldosterone, cortisol-slow acting, ne, spindles work off of stimulation, gto work to inhibit- tell reciprocals to do opposite, watch aging graphs!