PLSC 2003 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Shareholder Rights Plan, Unanimous Consent, Human Services

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Chapter twelve-congress: know all of the bold terms in the chapter and discussed in the lecture. a. Ex: governor of ar: constituent person living in incumbent"s state or district b. i. Ex: citizens of ar: bicameral legislature two chambered; house and senate, bill proposed legislation, veto president rejection of bill, party unity voting straight party lines, apportionment allocation of congressional seats according to population changes g. i. 1 member in house per ~700,000 people in a district: redistricting redrawing the district lines based on population movement within state h. i. Look at where population is moving state to state h. ii. 2. Re-draw district lines to make apportionment of house fair h. iii. South carolina gained 1 seat rising in pop h. vi. Mo, il, ia, la, mi, pa lost 1 seat losing pop h. vi. 1. Mo didn"t lose pop, but didn"t gain enough to keep their seats h. vii. Oh and ny lost 2 seats biggest losers h. viii.