PHIL 2103 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Divine Command Theory, Egotism, Human Nature

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Review: divine command theory if god commands it, then it is moral. If god does not command it (he forbids it), then it is immoral: problem not everyone believes in god. Is there one god that can command moral duty: natural law theory to fulfill your true nature is the morally right thing to do, two questions: a. i. Problem animals not capable of being moral agents a. i. 2. Human nature is innate (what we"re born with) a. i. 2. a. Problem pedophiles just because they innately have feelings toward young children does not mean their actions are morally correct a. i. 3. Human nature is what most humans have in common a. i. 3. a. Problem even if most humans have a single common trait, does not mean the trait properly directs moral right/wrong a. i. 4. Human nature is what we are designed to be a. i. 4. a. Efficacy what are we best suited for a. i. 4. a. i. 1.