BIOL 1543 Study Guide - Final Guide: Adult Stem Cell, Spindle Apparatus, Sister Chromatids

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25 Aug 2016

Document Summary

Interphase duplication of cell contents longest phase: 2. Growth: cytokinesis cell divides into two and has its own contain units, cytokinesis animals versus plants a. i. Animals occurs by constriction of cell (cleavage) a. ii. Plants vesicles converge on the area between the two halves of the dividing cell: steps of cytokinesis b. i. Cytokinesis differs for plant and animal cells b. iii. New cell membrane and wall is laid down, dividing cell in two: prometaphase , 1. Tips of spindle micro-tubules attach to kinetochores on chromosomes: kinetochores groups of motor proteins that can pull the chromosome along spindle fiber, binary fission prokaryotic asexual reproduction, 1. Duplication of the chromosome and separation of the copies: 2. Continued elongation of the cell and movement of the copies: 3. Division into two daughter cells: mitosis production for single non-sex (somatic) cells, three steps: a. i. Duplication of genetic material creates sister chromatids chromosomes are distributed to daughter cells a. ii.