PSY 381- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 142 pages long!)

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Lecture 1 notes: crazy: laymen"s term, abnormal: testable scientific term, tells us where we stand on an average, rachel pees in her room, normal or abnormal, baby = normal, teenager = abnormal, jen cries all day. The continuum concept: behavior, emotions, cognitions, functioning: abnormal normal abnormal. Normal or abnormal: normal depends on , age, frequency, severity, culture context, interference. Diagnostic and statistical manual (dsm): dsm-v!, flavors of mental disorders, 5th edition, categorical diagnostic system, disorders defined by a set of criteria, coming, going, evolving, lots Course objective: build a basic understanding of the types, causes, and treatments for mental disorders. King baldwin iv: disease as god"s punishment for sins (evil doin) Psychological factors social factors philosophers and theologians. Dominant model of illness for over 300 years. Illness due to biological factors (reductionistic philosophy) Proposes that issues are either biological or psychological/social, but not both. One bad day for phineas gauge, one historical moment for neuroscience.