NSC 170C1- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 26 pages long!)

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Source of energy (most fats), cellular development, physical growth and development, regulation of body processes, absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. Production of structural and functional components, cellular development and growth and maintenance, regulation of body processes, immune function, fluid balance, source of energy. Regulation of body processes, maintenance of immune function, production and maintenance of tissues, and protection against agents that can damage cellular components. Regulation of body processes, including fluid balance, formation of certain chemical messengers, structural and functional components of various substances and tissues, necessary for growth, maintenance and development. Maintenance of fluid balance, regulation of body temperature, elimination of wastes, transportation of substances, participant in many chemical reactions: although average healthy young men and women have similar amounts of vitamins, Orange, red, yellow fruits and vegetables; egg yolks. Apples, tea, red wine, onions, olives, raspberries, cocoa. Red wine, purple grapes and grape juice, dark chocolate, cocoa.