MCB 305 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Chromatin, Morphogen, Mitochondrial Replacement Therapy

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Testing of embryos created through ivf before selection of embryos for transfer to uterus. Alternative to prenatal genetic diagnosis and termination - a way to have a child free of fatal or severe genetic disorder. It is possible for parents to select characteristics of children beyond those linked with serious immediate health - raises a lot of ethical questions. Pg can select for variations that already exists, not correction. Avoid cystic fibrosis, tay sachs, fanconi anemia, sickle cell anemia. Detect abnormal chromosome number, aneuploidy, which often leads to. Down syndrome, birth defects, and failure of embryos to implant or have normal development. Select for genetic characteristics beyond those linked to serious disease. Current no federal regulations on this matter, left at the discretion of the doctor in the pgd clinic. Remaining cells kept alive in culture while testing is ongoing and then can be implanted into uterus if found to be disease free.