ENVS 170A1 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Central Arizona Project, Pore Space In Soil, Chemical Decomposition

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Plant transpiration: when water vapor exits through ti(cid:374)y ope(cid:374)i(cid:374)gs (cid:272)alled sto(cid:373)ata; (cid:272)aused (cid:271)y the su(cid:374)"s heat energy. Groundwater: water beneath the surface held in pores in oil or rock, 20% of the earth"s fresh(cid:449)ater supply. Groundwater depletion consequences: subsidence, sinkholes, gorud falls apart - too much water being taken away, wells run dry, not renewable because we pump it faster than it can be recharged. Central arizona project: water taken from the colorado river, lake havasu, groundwater in order to support towns like tucson, been used since 1990s and uses a lot of water and electricity. States sharing the colorado river water: upper basin: wyoming, utah, colorado,new mexico, lower basin: california, arizona, nevada, mexico gets a say too. Lake mead: lake levels have decreased in recent years. Its at 41% capacity now and only gets lower #bathtubring. If get below a certain level in 2017, a shortage will be declared.