POL 202 Study Guide - Final Guide: Cultural Revolution, Deng Xiaoping, Chinese Economic Reform

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The socialist market economy is the economic model employed by the. It is based on the dominance of the state-owned sector and an open-market economy, and has its origins in the. Mao zedong: founding father of the people"s republic of china: communist, marxist-leninist theories maoism (military), red army, launched the great leap forward aimed to rapidly transform. China"s economy from an agrarian economy to an industrial one led to famine: initiated the great proletarian cultural revolution to remove counter-revolutionary elements, deng xiaping took over, mao signaled a policy of opening china with. The chinese communist revolution or the 1949r evolution was the culmination of the chinese communist party"s drive to power since its founding in 1921 and the second part of the chinese civil war. Household registration system (hukou): record system required by law in.