MSC 220 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Anticyclone, Solar Constant, Net Force

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Why are they important: water vapor, carbon dioxide, and ozone, they vary significantly in concentration, they are the gases that create the greenhouse effect by trapping outgoing radiation. Describe the most important properties of the atmospheric boundary layer, troposphere, and stratosphere: boundary layer. Temperature, moisture and wind change during day based on diurnal cycle. Capped at top by inversion (warm air above cold air: troposphere. Contains 80% of atmospheric mass: stratosphere. Heated by absorption of radiation by ozone molecules. How does convection work: net force upward due to buoyancy of air, heating of the earth by the sun leads to warming of the air over earth, warm air is buoyant and often moist, shallow convection. Seen as cumulus clouds: deep convection. Decrease in temperature is strong and creates instability. What is the direction of the wind between high and low-pressure anomalies in the northern hemisphere: northern hemisphere. When l on left and h on right, wind blows upward.