MGT 304 Study Guide - Eustress

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Substantive selection: it is used after the applicant passes initial screening: written tests, performance stimulations, assessment centers, situational judgment tests, interviews. Contingent selection: used once the person is ready to be hired and has passed the substantive selection: ex. Types of training: basic literacy skills, technical skills, interpersonal skills/civility training, problem-solving skills, ethics training. Performance evaluation: way to monitor whether the person is doing the job correctly and if they are the right person for the job: they should be: Methods of performance evaluation: written essays, critical incident diaries, graphic ratings scale, 360-degree evaluation, forced comparisons. Improving performance evaluations: use multiple evaluators, evaluate selectively, train evaluators, provide employees with due process (make their case) Stress: a state of tension experienced by individuals facing extraordinary demands, constraints, or opportunities. Sources of stress: work related stressors, life stressors, what causes the most stress is sex and money.