MGT 304 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Job Rotation, Bounded Rationality, Sunk Costs

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The word motivation comes from the latin word for movement (movere). 4 motivation has been de ned as what a person does (direction), how hard a person works (intensity), and how long a person works (persistence). The rst level in the hierarchy of needs is physiological needs (e. g. , hunger, sex, and other bodily needs). The next level is safety needs (e. g. , the need for protection from physical harm). At the third level of the hierarchy are a person"s social needs (e. g. , belongingness and friendshipp). The fourth level is esteem needs (e. g. , status and recognition from others). Finally, at the top of the hierarchy is what maslow termed self-actualization, which is the drive to meet our fullest capacity (e. g. , growth and feeling ful lled as a person). Physiological and safety needs are lower-order needs and social, esteem, and self-actualization are higher-order needs, according to the theory.