KIN 184- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 58 pages long!)

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Terms: anatomical position, thumbs out, midline, draw line down center of body, separates left from right side, anterior/ventral, front of body facing you, posterior/ dorsal, back of body facing you, superior/cranial/cephalic, top of. Ii: compression, space between things decreases, compression, tension, stretching, muscle tear/strain, most ligaments are tensile injuries (except acl, shear, combination of compression and tensile forces, acl, crush, crush. Muscle strains: what type of force, a rip/tear in muscle, 3 grades, grade 1, micro tear, mild, grade 2, partial tear, moderate, grade 3, rupture, severe. Ligament injuries: connects bone to bone, bundles of collagen fiber, sprain, what force, tensile force. Musculotendinous junction: where the muscle transitions to tendon as it approaches the bone, this is the weakest point in the mtj, tendon stronger compared to muscle, where diameter is thinnest, muscle will tear first here, achilles tendon. Articular cartilage: found in joints, semi firm, connective tissue and ground substance.