HIS 327- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 83 pages long!)

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& governments flourished, & peace & harmony did not come. Italy because the citizens felt they were occupying the same physical & spiritual places as their ancestors of those superior first times. Its burgeoning cities & towns heavily influenced the peninsula with the rich & fast developing urban life, changing the economy, culture, & society & wiping out the. In this book term rinascimento will refer to c. 1250 to c. 1575. & make it imaginable as a society by its members) in c. 1250-c. 1575 that set the. Rinascimento apart: first civilization c. 1250-c. 1450 centered in the cities of the center & north of the. In the first civilization of the rinascimento in italy virtu stressed reason, moderation, Europe, catholic reform itself, & influx of jews forced out of spain & portugal), new economies (more efficient profit-oriented forms of agriculture, new trade routes, new. Industries, new competitors), new powers (emerging nation states of the north, the.