BIL 160- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 193 pages long!)

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Change in genetic composition of a population over time. Natural selection-mechanism that led to change in species. There is diversity but everything is related. Ex. birds share a common avian ancestor. Elimination of individuals with certain disadvantageous traits. Higher frequency of traits that enhance survival (change in the genetic composition an change in nature of the population) Darwin changed progression of biology and how we think of species. Evolution is a process by which species change over time. # of species on earth: 10-100 million (and even more undiscovered via diversity and evolution) Discover about 15,000 new species per year. Classifying organisms based on form, function, and more modern methods of dna analysis. Both prokaryoti(cid:272) ((cid:862)(cid:271)efore the nut(cid:863)- before a nucleus) Species differ in the ways they satisfy the requirements of life. Multicellular (eukarya) vs. single celled organisms (bacteria and prokaryotic) The study of how new organisms interact with each other and their environments.