SOCY 100 Study Guide - Final Guide: Patrilocal Residence, Statutory Rape, Consensual Crime

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17 May 2015

Document Summary

Sanctions: positive sanction, encourage people to act a certain way, negative sanction, discourage the repetition of behavior, formal, laws, rules, regulations. Types of crime: violent crime, assault, rape, robbery, property crime, committed with the intent of gaining property but does not involve the use of threat or force, larceny, burglary, gta. If society is falling apart, its hard to follow the social norms collective consciousness. Crimes that bring the people together i. e. kidnappings, 9/11. A goal would be graduating college, the means would be going to class. Or to get rich, and the means could be starting your own product. Don"t care if they graduate but they still show up and do work. Why would someone have more self control than others. Hang out with criminals and develop into one. Deviance is learned from hanging with the wrong people. Focuses on how people are perceived and how they internalize (or don"t) perceptions.