PSYC 334 Final: Study Guide

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Note: this study guide is for all the material since midterm exam 2. All other material from the rest of the semester is fair game to appear on the final exam, so you can utilize the other 2 study guides i posted for the midterms. Higher in closeness (ios), also cohesiveness (chemistry) People choose friends potential for dissolution. Both open to free choice, potential for dissolution. Comparable intimacy 30-40% ya say friends is closest intimate relationship. Individual factors (traits, attractiveness), environmental (proximity, social network approval), situational (physical warmth), dyadic (self-disclosure, liking: defining friendship. Dependability, trust, caring, support, affection, commitment, loyalty. 3rd: good role model, being unique: maintaining friendships. Communicating that relationship is important: dissolution ~ break up . Betrayal, conflict, boredom (no self-expansion), lack of support, intimacy issues: friendship as a matter of degree compared to other relationships. Best friendships more intimate than common, all components of intimacy involved.