PSYC 334 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Social Desirability Bias

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The short history of relationship science: the scientific study of relationships is a recent endeavor that has come of age only in the last 35 years. The field has now grown to include the study of all types of relationships in their natural settings around the world. Developing a question: research questions come from a number of sources, including personal experience, recognition of social problems, the results of prior research, and theoretical predictions. The questions usually seek either to describe events or to delineate causal connections among variables. Obtaining participants: convenience samples are composed of participants who are easily available. Representative samples are more costly, but they better reflect the population of interest. Both types of samples can suffer from volunteer bias. Correlational designs: a correlation describes the strength and direction of an association between two variables. Correlations are inherently ambiguous because events can be related for a variety of reasons.