PSYC 100 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Stereotype Threat, Behaviorism, Reproducibility

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Document Summary

Psychology is the study of: affect (feelings, emotions, behavior (what we do, cognition (mental processes such as thoughts, beliefs) Fixed mindsets- avoid challenges, give up easily, ignore useful feedback, feel threatened, believe they are either smart or dumb . Distributed practice > studying a lot: it is easier to learn and retain information in smaller bits rather than a lot of information all at once, practice makes perfect . Self-handicapping- protecting self-esteem by insuring failure; giving yourself a reason for not doing well: ex: defective equipment, the flu, a sleepless night, leads to low self esteem and a lack of confidence. Stereotype threat- when you hold yourself back because you are unsure about how you would perform due to a stereotype. Biosocial (evolution & physiology: genetic chaos/differences (mutations, thought & behavior can be inherited, life is hard, resources are limited, fittest survive & reproduce.