PSYC 100 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Rosy Retrospection, Hallucinogen, Ketamine

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Draw a diagram of, and explain the functions, of the various nervous systems: afferent (a. k. a. Imagine that you are in an amusement park. Give an example of each of the depth cues. Draw a diagram and give a real-world example of each of the following gestalt principles. Give an example and explain why each is either bottom-up or top-down: differences in intensity of high-pitch sounds, top-down, differences in arrival time for low-pitch sounds, top-down. How does schacter and singer"s two-factor theory of emotion explain cantor, zillmann & Alcohol, ketamine: stimulants increase cns activity by preventing certain chemicals from being reabsorbed, so the synaptic space becomes overloaded with neurotransmitters, particularly dopamine, norepinephrin, and serotonin, dopamine pleasure, serotonin sensory experiences increases alertness, ex. Cocaine, methamphetamine: hallucinogens visual or, more rarely, auditory hallucinations, and euphoric and dissociative sensations, primarily affect serotonin neurotransmitters, ex.