MATH 110 Midterm: Exam 2B No Solutions Spring 2003

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14 Mar 2019

Document Summary

1) neurons in retina, superior colliculus, lgn and visual areas of cerebral cortex form layers. Take the receptive field of the bipolar cell to the left. In the inner half of the inner plexiform layer. 1: the figure above shows the recording from a single rod in the dark and then when exposed to a background level of light. You will notice that while in the dark a rod has two sorts of spontaneous activity. One is discrete noise (arrows point to a couple of these) it happens rarely and is always the same size (it is, in fact, the size of the current produced by capture of a single photon). The other comes in various sizes and it happens all the time it is called continuous noise. Thermal isomerization of 11-cis to all-trans and its dissociation from rhodopsin produces discrete noise.