KNES 360 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Vasoconstriction, Tachycardia, Vo2 Max

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Knes 360 ch 8 study questions: describe how hr, sv, and co respond to increasing rates of work. What are major limitations of these estimates: determine the hr plateau as workload continues increasing. Where this plateau occurs is hrmax: estimated by using formula of 220-age(yrs)=estimated max hr. How does this work during exercise: the greater the stretch of the ventricles (and the myocardial cells there in), the more forceful the contraction. Increase in blood flow to skin to assist in releasing heat from body. What two theories have been proposed to explain this phenomenon: happens in prolonged aerobic exercise in hot environment at steady- state intensity. Co: theory 1: more blood is shunted to skin to accommodate for temperature regulation, using a greater fraction of co. Coupled with small decrease in blood volume resulting from sweating and shifting of plasma across capillary membrane into surrounding tissue: theory 2: hr increases, there is less filling time for ventricles.