KNES 293 Quiz: Discussion 3 and 4

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Document Summary

Wiggin and mason: directly associated with the topic that is being interpreted, documents or physical objects which were written or created during the time under study, present during the time it happened. Primary: first-hand account, most credible/ accurate, newspaper from time, interview, picture, diary/journal, recording, it is evidence- gives more depth, validity. Secondary: interpretations of first hand, hearing the story from someone else, more bias, replay video- clips can be edited. Don"t talk a(cid:271)out it (cid:271)ut we a(cid:272)knowledge it- undercurrent. Now and in the past- it has grown to include a lot more. The moment in jackie robinson statue did not happen like that. It is o(cid:271)s(cid:272)uring the history of (cid:271)ase(cid:271)all and ja(cid:272)kie ro(cid:271)inson"s change of baseball: white people want to be seen as more generous than they actually were. Some representation of minorities in front offices: only 2 current black managers- still not good.