INAG 110- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 26 pages long!)

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1/31/17: aristotle (384-322bc, (cid:862)rhetori(cid:272) is the (cid:272)ou(cid:374)terpart of diale(cid:272)t(cid:863, (cid:862)the fa(cid:272)ulty of dis(cid:272)o(cid:448)eri(cid:374)g the a(cid:448)aila(cid:271)le (cid:373)ea(cid:374)s of persuasio(cid:374)(cid:863, types of arguments, external/inartistic. 2/2/17: communication, social realities-exist as in the western world, process- requires feedback and interaction, collaborative-look to create meanings, collaborate with partner, messages- emotional or informational, creative-always creating, participatory-must always be involved, context. Interpersonal-dyad, triad: small group-larger than dyad/triad, public-rhetoric, speaker to public, mass-mass communication ex. Social media: mass personal- could be everyone or personal ex. Facebook status: models, transmission-give people info change them immediately, one way. 2/2/17: organization-cognitive schemas, prototypes- the first form, typical, stereotypes-positive/negative, mental shortcut. Interactional-identities in social, high communicative: relational-relate to others, more personal, personal-likes and dislikes. Size up the surroundings: size up the surroundings, size up your physical and mental states, size up your equipment. Survival basics: obtain water, acquiring food, building a fire, locating shelter. Finding help: call or signal recue, wilderness navigation, leaving a breadcrumb trail.