HIST 201 Study Guide - Final Guide: National Industrial Recovery Act, National Labor Relations Act, Double V Campaign

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5 Jun 2016

Document Summary

Wagner act: created after the supreme court voided the national industrial recovery. Richard wright: won the 1938 story magazine prize for the best tale by a wpa (works progress administration) writer, involved in federal writer"s program, went on the complete native son (1940) a searing novel about white racism. Brain trust: franklin roosevelt"s group of people put together to draft legislation and policy, professors of columbia, yale, harvard, other leading universities, also turned to his talented cabinet. Executive order 9066: president roosevelt 1942 responded to anti-japanese fears by issuing executive order 9066, gave the war department authority to force japanese. Double v campaign: during wwii, strategy to help african americans gain equality, from pittsburgh courier, african american newspaper, 1942 letter from james g. Lend lease: passed by fdr in march 1941, britain can no longer pay cash for arms, authorized the president to lease, lend, or otherwise dispose of arms and equipment to.