FMSC 383 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Patent Medicine, Methadone, Personal Boundaries

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Depression guilt, worthlessness, helplessness, persistent sadness, emptiness, hopelessness, loss of interest in pleasurable activities, difficulty concentrating/making decisions, insomnia/oversleeping, fatigue, thoughts of death/suicide, physical symptoms. Anxiety disorders generalized anxiety, panic attacks, ptsd, social phobias/anxiety, ocd. Bipolar disorder both poles of experience, high, agitated manic state and low depressed state, can involve hallucination. Schizophrenia delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thinking, negative symptoms (affective flattening, alogia, and apathy. Middles ages problem: demonic possession solution: exorcism by priests. 1800s massachusetts, dorothea dix visits insane poor in almshouses, exposes conditions: iron collar, chain, caged living in their own filth. Result: laws passed to expand, build more humane state hospitals. Dorothea dix gets laws passed to expand, build more humane state hospitals. Collect information about resources; provide mental health counseling, overcoming barriers. Abuse can just mean containing to use a substance despite the fact that you experience negative consequences.