ENCE 466 Quiz: Quiz 4 No Solutions 2010

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Introductory Psychology: Exam 1.
1. Preferring a simple theoretical explanation over a more complex one when findings are equal?
a. elegance b. parsimony c. falsifiability d. testability
2. A good way to increase external validity in a laboratory experiment?
a. increase generalizability b. standardization c. operationalization d. deception
3. Measures of love and extraversion show no systematic relationship, best represented by this correlation?
a. .05 b. .50 c. -.50 d. -.10
4. Comparing individuals with damaged amygdala’s versus those with normal ones represents this study type?
a. observational b. field experiment c. quasi-experiment d. laboratory
5. Using different ways to manipulate frustration and measure aggression in an experiment represents?
a. manipulation check b. multi-trait c. multi-method d. methodology
6. The use of this statistical analysis allows for some degree of internal validity in correlational studies?
a. Path analysis b. multi-variable analysis c. Pearson R analysis d. T-test
7. The “self-fulfilling prophesy” is related to this type of potential bias?
a. evaluation apprehension b. experimenter c. demand characteristics d. confounds
8. Which of the following is not a criticism of survey research?
a. not actual behavior b. unconscious bias c. easy to collect d. passive
9. The fundamental principle of assignment to conditions in an experiment?
a. logical b. quantifiable c. operational d. random
10. The study that resulted in the establishment of Institutional Review Boards (IRBs)?
a. writing about trauma b. Stanford Prison Exper. c. Little Albert & rats d. Milgram
11. Informed consent can sometimes be overridden if the behavior measured is this?
a. subdued b. public c. external d. de facto
12. The male gender is determined by this gene on this chromosome pair?
a. x/22nd b. y/22nd c. x/23rd d. y/23rd
13. The process that allows for your identical DNA to be in every cell in your body?
a. mitosis b. reproduction c. meiosis d. fertilization
14. The mixing of genes in meiosis occurs during this meiosis division process?
a. recombination b. mitosis c. mutation d. divergence
15. The best population of twins to study the effects of genes vs. environment is?
a. fraternal cohabitating b. identical apart c. identical cohabitating d. fraternal apart
16. That fraternal twins IQ scores are more positively correlated than siblings demonstrates the impact of?
a. genotype b. evolution c. mutation d. environment
17. The exact way genes are directed to demonstrate themselves (as traits) is called?
a. genotype b. trait identity c. phenotype d. personality
18. The inability to roll ones tongue represents this combination of traits?
a. heterozygous/recessive b. homozygous/recessive c. hetero./dominant d. homoz./dominant
19. I have blue eyes, my wife brown. If my daughter has blue it means my wife must have this combo of traits?
a. heterozygous b. dominant c. recessive d. homozygous
20. All of the following represent female aspects of differential parental investment except?
a. prenatal physical changes b. limited reproductive span c. greater sexual jealousy d. genetic surety
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