CCJS 300 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: National Incident Based Reporting System, National Crime Victimization Survey, Nonprobability Sampling

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Social surveys, participant observation, case studies, life histories, unobtrusive measures. Uniform crime reports: most widely cited on crime of all the methodological sources to be discussed. Compilation & publication of national crime statistics. Violent crime index: murder & non-negligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery, aggravated assault. Property crime index: burglary, larceny theft, based on value of what was stolen, motor-vehicle theft, arson (listed but not measured) Crime rate: number of crimes per unit population, usually per 100,000 population. System: which uses 52 data elements to describe victims, offenders, arresters, & circumstances of crime. Call for redesign of ucr system in 1977: same time of ethical changes in social sciences. First major revision was done after more than 10 years. Now nibrs has been integrated into how data is collected. Process of selecting a subset of observations from among many possible observations to draw conclusions for population. Types of sampling: probability sampling randomization, non-probability sampling if it violates epsem rule.