CCJS 100- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 32 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Crimes: actions that violate laws defining which socially harmful behaviors will be subject to the government"s power to impose punishments. Criminal law is defined by elective representatives and congress who make choices about behaviors that the government will punish. Mala in se: offenses that are wrong by their very nature. Mala prohibita: offenses prohibited by law but not necessarily wrong in themselves. Criminal justice system is the means that society uses to enforce the standards of conduct necessary to protect individuals and the community . System has three goals: doing justice, controlling crime, and preventing crime. Concerns fairness and equity in the treatment of people who are drawn into the system. Requires upholding the rights of individuals as well as punishing those who violate the law. Offenders will be held fully accountable for their actions. The rights of persons who have contact with the system will be protected.