COMM 460 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Upper Class, Blue-Collar Worker, Final Girl

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Content of shows on networks has become less diverse: queer theory. An umbrella term for the study of culturally marginal sexual self-identities. Practices and beliefs that conceive of heterosexuality as the center or norm of human life. Assumes all romantic relationships conform to a male-female and. Presents non-heterosexual identities in a heterosexual way. Dramatizes instability of gender, sex, and/or sexual identity. Assumes sexuality is fluid and challenges categories. Lgbtqi(a) visibility: lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, intersex, allies (advocates) Dramatize incoherencies in the allegedly stable relations between chromosomal sex, gender and sexual desire (usually) assume that identity, in particular sexual identity, is fluid: reinforces heteronormativity. Shows name is will and grace, not two male names. Non-romantic but still intimate couple, will and grace. Looks like a parent-child relationship between these two friends. Puts will and grace in a parental role, seems like a functional hetero relationship with grace. Acts as a nuclear family: complicating heterosexuality.