CMSC 131A Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Javadoc, Object Copying, Call Stack

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The name of the constructor(s) need(s) to match the name of the class and have no return type. Instance fields appear inside each object while static fields are shared and live inside metaspace. Good style keeps fields private and provides getters and setters as needed. Keep track of how many have been created. Static vs instance fields file: student. java public class student { public class student { //a reference public string uid; private float semesterscore; // these two methods. private static string convertinttostring(int inval) private static int convertuidtoint(string inval) In this case, the standard ones to provide are: setname(string) getname() setnickname(string) getnickname() setuid(int) getuid() setscore(int) getscore() Code: setters and getters public void setname(string namein){ Nickname= new stringbuffer(nickin); public void setuid(int uidin){ Within an instance method you can optionally refer to the object that invoked this method using the automatically created local reference this. public void setname(string namein){