[BSCI 338] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 104 pages long Study Guide!

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Mesoderm muscle, support organs, originates through embryonic process. Entirely different ways of forming the mesoderm red = formation of mesoderm formed by outpocketing on the little gut three types of coelom (body cavities: ascoelomic. No coelom (no cavity: pseudocoelomic (false coelom) As proliferating upward, also proliferates around gu. Segmentation allow compartmentalize develop proboscis. Protostomes: fate is determined early, early discrimination of cell fate, experiment: separated the four and culture them: cell fate is already determined (already specialized) Deuterostomes indeterminate (regulative) cleavage late determination of cell fate true coelom. Summary: protostome characteristics: blastopore forms mouth, spinal cleave, consistent molecular difference sfrom deuterostomes independent ways of organizing body axis. Protostome relationships true coelom via schizocoely: synapomorphies, blastopore becomes mouth, spiral cleavage, determinate development, major lineages larvae unless they live in freshwater or come onto land (fragile larvae can"t survive due to osmotic pressure) Acoelomate unsegmented worms: free living flatworms with parasite representation.