BSCI 330- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 15 pages long!)

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Eukaryotic cells are cells that contain a nucleus. Includes: plant cells, animal cells, protists, unicellular algae, fungi, traits of eukaryotic cells, nucleus (defining, plasma membrane, organelles, cell walls (some, flagella (some) Prokaryotic cells do not contain a nucleus: traits, no nucleus, no mitochondria, has plasma membrane. Phagocytic cells surround and consume pathogens through a prescribed process. A phagocytic vesicle forms around the bacteria. Vesicle will the bud and move around the cytoplasm. Will merge with an endosome (collection point for consumed pathogens) Lysosomes will deposit digestive enzymes into the endosome to break down pathogen. Phagocyte will then secrete lymphokines that attract additional wbc. Bacteria can interfere with this process by: Will not allow the cell to apoptose (allow pathogen to grow) Morulae: vesicle in which pathogens are growing. Tuberculosis and legionella are able to persist inside phagocytes. Retroviruses were discovered by peyton rous in the form of the rous sarcoma virus (rsv)