BSCI 207 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Fractal Dimension, Armillaria Gallica, Mycorrhiza

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Modifications to membrane phospholipids (amphipathic - polar and nonpolar) Saturated - all single bonds (warm, more porous) Animals can adjust the rigidity of membrane, to make more porous when warmer. Ether linkage chemically stronger than ester linkage (extremophiles - ether) Prokaryotes - very high metabolic diversity, very low structural diversity. Eukaryotes - low metabolic diversity, very high structural diversity. 10x more prokaryotic cells than eukaryotic but eukaryotic bigger. Chemiosmosis - atp generated when protons pumped out to create a gradient, osmosis wants to pump them back in, store energy. Photosynthesis - 1: makes nadph, 2: makes atp. Simple photosynthesis - cyclic and noncyclic photophosphorylation with 2 complexes. Old system, nothing good enough to replace it. Early electron transport chain, modified a thousand times. Bioremediation - using life to fix a problem (chemical or pollution problem) Use prokaryotes to break down harmful chemicals into safer compounds. Find naturally occurring bacteria or use artificial selection.