BSCI 105 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Van Der Waals Force, Endomembrane System, Hydrogen Bond

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Learning objectives - after you have studied, you should be able to do the following: list the properties of life , describe what they mean, and recognize them in examples. Ocress: describe what is meant by emergent properties , and recognize and discuss examples of emergent properties from lecture. An emergent property is a property which a collection or complex system has, but which the individual members do not have. A failure to realize that a property is emergent, or supervenient, leads to the fallacy of division: recognize examples of the big ideas and biology and explain how you identify them. Rna, ribosomes, and protein: eukaryotic cells evolved from prokaryotic cells by internalization of membranes, and developed an interconnected set of organelles called the. Strips an electron from another: compounds or molecules are formed by atoms bonding together and can have different shapes depending on interactions between orbitals. Vocabulary words are identified with bold font in the concepts below.