BMGT 301 Study Guide - Final Guide: Fat Client, Global Nomad, Computer Network

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A database is a table or collection of assorted things complied together. Apply knowledge to data to turn it into information. Ex: =average, = if, put the function after the equal sign, then place a (arg1,arg2, arg[n]) Anything in square brackets will be optional, not necessary. All the functions will have the same syntax. Apply criteria, take the records that match and average it out. First, separate out the accounts you need then apply the formula. Text needs to be put in quotes because it"s not part of excel"s dna. Homework: find the average salary of employees in the account management department whose salaries are more than ,000. The post pc era refers to the time after people switched from their personal computers to mobile devices. 1957 the number of white collar workers exceeded the number of blue collar workers, the shift from industrial era to the electronic era. The sustaining and disruptive nature of the internet.