ANTH 220- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 33 pages long!)

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However, because that is now viewed as being sexist, we will avoid all mentions of the word man moving forwards. Thus anthropology will henceforth and forever be known in this class as the study of humanity. Until very recently, anthropology was less concerned about modern civilization than with so called primitives. They studied past societies meaning ancient humans and pre humans. Anthropology developed in the 19th century as the brainchild of western imperialism and expansion. It was the means by which we studied them . We try to downplay that nowadays, but there is no denying that it once existed. Many academic disciplines act as if they were established by god, that their boundaries with other disciplines and their internal foci were established by god or pure logic. But many are the product of accidents or historical peculiarities. There is a unity to what we do, but also mess and complications. Anthropology has traditionally been said to have four fields.