CHEM 1010 Study Guide - Comprehensive Midterm Guide: Cathode Ray, Conversion Of Units, Observational Error

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Conversion factor- a factor equal to 1 that converts a quantity expresses in one unit to a quantity expressed in another unit. Density allows one to go between units of mass and units of volume. Start left and go right until you hit a non-zero number/ digit. Count every number/ digit to the right of the non-zero number as significant. The least certain measurement sets the limit on the certainty for the entire calculation and determines the number of significant figures in the final answer. So if one number has five significant figures and another has two and another had four, you"ll make your final answer in a two significant figure format. Scientific notation is really useful for this as well. The 54. 2 are certain numbers, but you have the 9 with an uncertainty of plus or minus 1 cuz this is science.