[CHEM 1001] - Midterm Exam Guide - Ultimate 13 pages long Study Guide!

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1) write out the initial hypothesis after the wire electrode fell into the bacteria culture. The platinum electrode provided compounds that inhibited cell division and bacteria growth. The bacteria ceased dividing once the wire was dropped into the bacteria, which led to the initial hypothesis. After multiple experiments it was concluded that cisplatin is effective in stopping bacterial cells from dividing. 4) okay oprah watchers, a new promising drug based on bacteria experiments. you are ready to demand this new drug from your doctor! I would like to see multiple observations and experimentations done using scientific method, meaning the experiments are done to directly measure the product so there are no lingering variables. 5) formulate a hypothesis concerning study hours and grades in this course. The more hours one student spends studying this course material, the higher grades that student will receive for this course. Pre-lab questions hand in at beginning of lab on separate sheet!