SOC 101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Cultural Lag, Macrosociology, Role Conflict

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Soc 101
Exam 1 -- Study guide
Ch. 1:
What is sociology?
sociological imagination
C. Wright Mills
Emile Durkheim/ Suicide/ types of solidarity
social integration
social facts
origins of sociology as a discipline
social Darwinism/Herbert Spencer
Auguste Comte /positivism
Karl Marx / types of alienation
Max Weber / protestant ethic & capitalism/ verstehen
symbolic interactionism / dramaturgy/ Goffman
functionalism (aka structural functionalism or functional analysis)
o manifest & latent functions; dysfunctions
conflict theory
W.E.B. DuBois
Jane Addams
applied sociology
Ch. 5:
steps of conducting research
operational definitions of variables
correlation vs. causation; spurious (cause, effect, and spurious correlations --text)
how to read a table (text)
how not to do research (text)
different research methods
population vs. sample
representative sample
random sample, stratified random sample, snowball sample
importance of wording & ordering of survey questions
response bias
Pager’s experiment (“Mark of a Criminal Record”) (class lecture & text)
ethical issues in sociological research
o what is unethical in sociological research?
Brajuha research (text)
Tuskegee Syphilis Study
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