PSY 457LEC Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Subjective Constancy, Pacifier, Habituation

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1 Nov 2018

Document Summary

As objects / observers move, objects change in orientation & size relative to an observer. Evidence for size constancy at 2 mo s: Dishabituated to 3i cube, suggesting that infants respond to physical size. Familiarization with either square / large trapezium at diff slants. Tested on both square & trapezium (new slant), side by side. Familiarization: infants presented with 1 of the 2 pacifiers in the mouth for 90 s. All of these studies have looked at previously segmented objects with little ambiguity. Could be argued that true knowledge of an object includes knowing how the object behaves even when it"s not directly observable. Object perception is not limited to cases where an object is clearly distinguishable from its background. Cluttered arrays are the norm in ordinary environments. Segregating objects from a rich & changing environment requires infants to go beyond the visible surface layout to capture the underlying arrangement of objects.