PMY 302 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Hydrolysis, Versican, Wheeze

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Mechanism of action, cell wall agents, peptidoglycan: polymer chain of nam-nag with a small side chain coming off from. Nam: cell wall is made up of peptidoglycan. Crosslinking provides the stability to the cell wall: crosslinking the side chains. Located on the outer edge o the cell membrane. Generate its own energy by breaking off a terminal alanine crosslink. Both penicillin and cephalosporin inhibit the transpeptidase enzyme: penicillin, structure. All made up of 6apa+side chain, 6apa are the same but side chains are different. Activated penicillin through 2 ways: attaches to the transpeptidase to inactivate it, allergic reaction c. Small changes in side chains make a difference. Pen g doesn"t work in stomach, no acid stable. Permanently binds to the covalent bond, blocks the activity forever. Electrostatic bond: salt, have different charges, not strong. Bactericidal cell lysis, because of the osmotic pressure forces the cell wall through those holes.