NTR 402 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Beta-Carotene, Anovulation, Oxidative Stress

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Adequate health & nutrition status are needed for successful reproduction. Diminished reproductive capacity: acute undernutrition, weight status (underweight, overweight, high levels of alcohol intake. ~15% of couples are infertile (don"t need to memorize number: failing to conceive with 12 months of attempting pregnancy. Subfertility: reduced level of fertility: repeated early pregnancy losses. Definition: loss of conceptus in 1st 20 weeks of pregnancy. Causes of miscarriages: defect in the fetus, maternal infection, structural abnormalities of uterus, endocrine or immunological disturbances, others (unknown) Female: ovaries: egg formation, production of estrogen and progesterone, uterus: chamber in which the embryo develops, endometrium: inner lining of the uterus, site of implantation (where the placenta develops) Male: testes: sperm production and testosterone production. Menstrual cycle (28 days cycle: purpose to prepare an ovum for fertilization and uterus for implantation of fertilized egg, controlled by hormones secreted from hypothalamus, pituitary gland and ovary. Hormonal effects during the menstrual cycle (will be on the exam)