GEO 103 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Distance Decay, Northeast Megalopolis, Digital Divide

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Time-space convergence two distances are compressed in time. Oil crisis, airlines no longer regulated by government. Privatization increased competition low cost carriers rose. Technological waves: early to mid 1800s, invention of steam engine, 1870s, street replaces iron, electricity and telephone, specialization, trade, and rise of industries, end of wwii, fordism, current, technology, internet, e-commerce. Types of cities (cosmic, sacred, colonial, commercial) cosmic cities: sacred, divine power, fortress of protection sacred: haphazard in development ex: mecca, vatican city, jerusalem, Varanasi colonial: ex: mumbai, singapore, manila, jakarta commercial: ease of movement of goods and services ex: canton, guangzhou. Evolution of cities (from feudalism --> industrial-->world city) Feudalism: agriculture based, small, merchant class. Industrial: working class and social class, trade development. Central place theory: the larger the fewer, the larger the farther, the larger the higher order of services, the function. Primacy: largest city twice as big as the second largest. Rank size: actual size of city centers.